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GDCI Daily Announcements

Page history last edited by Karen Snow 8 years, 1 month ago

Monday September 12, 2016



Character Attribute of the Month- Respect

Never judge someone by the way he looks or a book by the way it’s covered; for inside those tattered pages, there’s a lot to be discovered.” –  Stephen Cosgrove 



All school announcements are available for students and staff to read at The Core



Students can now log onto The Core at




using their school computer login.

Please ensure that you have successfully logged into a school computer and changed the temporary password in order to log into The Core.

If you need help with this, please come to the library and either Mrs. Snow or Mrs. McPhee will help you.

Once logged into The Core you will see the GDCI Daily Announcements which will be all be moving there as of September 12, 2016.

You will be able to click on links to your Google Mail, Drive, Classroom, My Blueprint and more.


Submitted by: K Snow

To be read: Sept 9 - 30








































































































































































































































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